July wrap up and goals for August.

July was a pretty good month.  I was way more aware of what I was buying, and overall, purchased much less than I typically do.  Even though I still made some purchases, this represents major progress for me.

My July purchases:

  • Two t-shirts from the Gap (on two separate occasions)
  • Two white flow-y shirts from Uniqlo
  • One pair of thrifted jeans from Value Village

I confess that some of other purchases were a bit out of hand (by other I mean purchases for baby, which for now, do not count).  We bought our baby an exersaucer (which she turned out to be too tall for, AFTER I spent 1.5 hours putting it together) and a music machine.  Granted, they were both purchased using a gift card we received, it still represents STUFF in our house.  And, anyone who’s ever had an exersaucer can attest to the fact that they are probably the least minimalist toy ever to be made.

As for our house, we’ve made major progress, giving away items to the Goodwill, as well as consigning clothing/bags/shoes.  Still more to go.  Our ultimate goal is to have the moving truck come, pick up approximately 10 boxes of our things, a few items of furniture, and be out of here in an hour.  It’s amazing how minimalism can save money in every way.  Can you imagine paying movers for only an hour of their time?

Here are some of my goals for August:

  • no purchases for me (that means no clothing, shoes, makeup, bags, etc.)
  • clear out our basement so that everything we own is on the first floor, ready to be sorted and packed/donated/sold.  I will take a picture of our basement with nothing in it if we succeed.

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