Buy on paper: July in review.

I talked about buying on paper in my post last week, the practice of writing down something you wish to purchase, but didn’t, out of self-restraint and good sense.  I wanted to share with you my list for July.  It’s pretty long, more than I would like.  I’m embarrassed that so much of it is clothing (totally unnecessary ones).  I would love to be at a point where it’s not about self-restraint, rather, a reduced desire for things in general, and clothing more specifically.

There were major temptations, thrift stores, online shopping, and that trip to NYC at the end of the month. Here is “Le list”, in all it’s glory.

If anything, “Le list” is an indication that I am weak, and strong at the same time.

Le List:

  • July 3: Urban Decay Naked Palette on the Sephora website.  A site I spent a lot of time on during my maternity leave.  $64 + tax.
  • July 9: Diane Von Furstenberg silk shirt at a pop-up shop.  I put it on hold as the guy was going to give me a the a discount – no tax – if I got cash.  I came to my senses as I was walking to get said cash.  $90.
  • July 10: Tibi dress and silk shirt online.   This was in my online shopping cart.  Honestly, what saved me was the fact that they don’t ship to Canada.  Yay for Canada. $260 (US) + tax.
  • July 10: Urban Outfitters shirt and shorts online.  This is the shirt that I saw on un-fancy‘s website and wanted to get.  Of course I also wanted a pair of shorts to go along with the shirt.  $100 + tax.
  • July 15:  Magazine at a grocery store.  I was near our rented cottage, at the check out line and my husband asked me if I wanted a magazine.  I was quick to say yes, but just as quick to decline as I realized that would constitute as a purchase.  I decided two months ago I would no longer be purchasing books and magazine that I can get from the library.  $5 + tax.
  • July 19: A pair of second-hand jeans from Value Village. $12.99 + tax.  (What I did buy was another pair of jeans from Value Village $9.99 + tax, plus a birthday present for my husband, $2.99, a wooden dinosaur puzzle, to replace the one he gave me on our first date, which we proceeded to break and lose pieces during our various moves).
  • July 30:  Urban Outfitters, white shirt from July 10.  I went to a doctor’s appointment and happened to walk by the store.  I dropped in to try on the shirt.  It was lovely, but I just purchased two white shirts from Uniqlo.  I smartly walked away.  $59 + tax.
  • MONEY SAVED: $590.99 + tax = ~ $667.82.  Whoa.

Any regrets?

None.  Honestly, I thought I would be sad not owning the Tibi dress, but I don’t even think about it anymore.  Which is sort of the problem.  I want to remember this feeling, of it not mattering anymore after the fact.