Free books!

It’s called the library. We have a great library system in Toronto, which I used (and probably abused) between the ages of 8-14. Seriously, I took out entire rows of Nancy Drews and Hardy Boys, and then racked up late charges. Oh younger me, what were you thinking? Also, I always wonder if I could’ve learned a new language, or skill if I actually read something useful instead of books about youths who sleuth (that sort of rhymes when you say it outloud).

So yes, a few months ago, I decided that I was sick of buying books that I didn’t end up reading. Even on my e-reader, which is probably a minimalist approved technology, I was not reading at a clip that would warrant even 1 book a year. I turned to the library. They have fashion magazines, cookbooks, current literature, etc.  Amazing!

Since using the library, I’ve actually read more. I finished a book (Decoded, by Mai Jai), which is quite a feat for me for a variety of reasons (as a new mom, there’s not much time to read. As a PhD student, I feel guilty reading anything that’s not related to my research).

Suffice to say, I still can’t return books on time. I’ve paid about $10 in late fees over the last few months, but have taken out 30+ books and 5+ magazines. A pretty good deal I would say. Plus, late fees support the library. I consider it a charitable donation. =)

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